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Budget Buddies


Jenn Park: UX/UI Designer + Researcher
Kim Tran: Back End Engineer
Kimberly To: UI Designer
Kennedy Yung: Back End Engineer

Project Type

Mobile App


March 8-9 2024
(24 hour hackathon)

Problem Statement

Amidst the ongoing challenges of inflation and economic uncertainties, the need for financial stability and affordability has become more important than ever. Adding to this issue is the prevailing lack of financial literacy among adults, a problem rooted in the lack of financial literacy received in school.


Inspired to empower youths through financial literacy, Budget Buddies was created to improve financial literacy through gamified and interactive activities for youths to learn financial concepts in a digestible and concise way.

User Flow

Budget-Buddies-User Flow.png

Style Tile

Colours - Colour contrast requirements are met
Typography - Meets accessibility guidelines (font size, line height, word spacing, choice of font)

Style Guide.png

Final Design

Main Application

Budget Buddies-Mockup 1.png

Final Design 2

Profile & Chat

Mockup 4.png


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